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Let's go LOKO

We call ourselves Leuven's union of student unions, because we want to be here for every student in Leuven: whether they study at the KU Leuven, the UCLL or the Lemmens Institute, and whether they call Belgium their home, or their home away from home. We consist of volunteering students who represent all students, organise events, or support other student unions in their initiative.

Meet the LOKO International Team

LOKO International is ready for you. We can help you with your questions about student life, we can direct you to the right KU Leuven services if you're experiencing problems and we participate in the Orientation Days and organize social activities as well.

LOKO General Assembly

The best way to explain how we work is by comparing us to a parliament and a government, with the big difference that we do not assume any political positions. On the one hand, all the student unions come together in the General Assembly (parliament) every two weeks to assume representational positions on ongoing student affairs and to discuss initiatives. On the other hand, LOKO itself consists of volunteers who execute the decisions (government) of the General Assembly.

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