KOCO Letteren is the umbrella organisation of all the student associations at the Faculty of Arts. KOCO Letteren unites the student unions of our faculty, which include Alfa, Babylon, Eoos, Historia, Mecenas and Musicologica. As of now, there are representatives of Alfa, Babylon, Eoos and Historia that will happily help international students on their way. Check out our website for more information and links to the different unions’ (course) services and activities!

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At the KU Leuven, being in Arts means studying Culture studies, European Studies, Languages, Literature, Linguistics, History, Art History, Art science or Archeology. It also means you’re welcome to join us at our joint activities such as picnics and discover the amazing city and people of Leuven with us!


Fakbar Letteren

You can always find us at our very own faculty bar, Fakbar Letteren. It’s the nicest place on earth and a great place to meet people from our faculty over a refreshing Belgian beer or other refreshment.

KOCO family


The student union for archeology students

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The student union for language and literature students

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The student union for language and regional studies e.g. Japanese studies or Arab studies.

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The student union for history students

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